Grilled Egg and Cheese Recipe · i am a food blog i am a food blog

Are you guys as obsessed with grilled cheese sandwiches as I am? I am a true grilled cheese lover. And adding a egg just blows all other grilled cheeses out of the water. Technically this recipe isn’t a grilled cheese at all, just a single slice of bread with cheese fused to it’s outsides, but it’s cheese and it’s grilled so I’m not going to argue technicalities. If we did want to get into the technicalities of naming of recipes, I think the egg-in-toast part of this recipe confuses me as well.

What do you call egg-in-toast? I’ve heard them referred to as toad-in-a-hole, egg-in-a-basket and egg-in-a-nest. Whatever you call them, they are delicious. Unlike lots of dreamy memories I’ve heard from my childhood friends, I didn’t grow up eating egg-in-toast. I can just imagine how my parents would react if I asked them to make it for me. “You cut a hole in the bread!? Why would you cut a hole in the bread? Who eats the bread cut out? Me? I have to eat your leftovers?!”

I actually love eating the little cut out of toast, so I don’t think of them as leftovers at all. In fact, they are perfect for dipping. This recipe looks pretty impressive, especially when you cut into the egg yolk, but it’s incredibly simple to make. Crisping up the cheese on the outside of the bread instead of the inside, changes the texture of the cheese from gooey to incredibly crispy and addictive. Think of it like an inside out grilled cheese.

How is everyone’s 2014 going so far? Mine has been filled with long walks around Tokyo and a quiet dinner making in front of When Harry Met Sally. It’s an oldie, but a classic, especially for New Years. Hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start and I hope you have lots of grilled cheese in your future!

Grilled Egg and Cheese Recipe
serves 1

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar (I like a fine shred as opposed to a coarse one, when it grills up it’s lacier and crispier)
  • 1 slice thick toast, a hole cut out
  • 1 egg

In a non-stick pan, over medium-low heat, melt 1/2 tablespoon of butter, swirling the pan to evenly coat. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of cheddar in the rough shape of your toast with the hole cut out. Add the bread on top and grill on medium-low until the cheese is crispy and golden.

Remove the toast from the pan, melt the other half of the butter and swirl to coat. Arrange the remaining cheese in the shape of the bread and place your toast in the pan, cheese-less side down and crispy cheese side up. Crack your egg into the hole and cook on medium-low, covered (use a glass lid if you have one so you can see) until the egg is done to your liking. Enjoy immediately with salt and pepper.

This content was originally published here.