Soft Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe that’s Easy to Make!

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The words ‘Soft’ and ‘Gluten Free’ are rarely used in the same sentence – and for good reason… Most gluten free baked goods are dry, crumbly and taste like recycled rice cakes.  Why for the love of Pete (whoever he is), can we put a man on the moon, but can’t make a gluten free bread that doesn’t require toasting it first so we can eat it without falling apart?!

Good news my friends… Soft, Gluten Free Sandwich Bread, Pizza Crusts & Hamburger Buns do exist!  It starts with having the right combination of my  ‘Erika’s All Purpose Gluten Free Flour Mix‘ paired with the perfect ratio of other ingredients and a careful cooking method.  But that doesn’t mean you need to be a rocket scientist to make it… in fact this recipe is so easy, my kids help me with it all of the time and it still turns out great!

** If you’re looking for a VEGAN version of this recipe (no eggs), CLICK HERE for my Gluten Free and Vegan Bread Recipe!**

The Tools & Ingredients In This Recipe:

  • Author:
    A Little Insanity – Erika

  • Prep Time:
    15 minutes

  • Cook Time:
    45 minutes

  • Total Time:
    1 hours 30 minutes

  • Yield:
    1 9 x 5 Loaf

  • Category:
    Baked Goods

  • Cuisine:
    Gluten Free

This is the BEST Soft Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe Ever! It’s Easy to Make & Delicious… Enjoy Bread Again!





I use a 9×13 Cake Pan, let rise as directed, & bake a thick flat loaf – once it cools cut it in half sideways and split it open to prepare with my toppings. Or, you can shape into rounds, let rise for approx. 15 min. and then bake on a Pizza Stone as directed. Once cooked, top with your favorite ingredients & return to oven and bake at 450 until done. 

You can also try my Gluten Free & Vegan Pizza Crust Recipe 


Prepare as you would for Pizza in a 9×13 Cake Pan and then cut into 12 square ‘buns’, which can be split in half. Or, you can use a Hamburger Bun Pan (like the

USA 6″ Mini Round Pan I have by USA Pans) and fill each well ½ full and let rise until double in size. Bake as directed until done.


Although some of you have had success with this – Due to the responses in the comments, I DO NOT suggest using Flax or Chia Seeds as a substitute for eggs. However, I have had some success using Chia & Ener-G egg replacers when making pizza dough and buns.

You can also try my Soft Gluten Free & Vegan Bread Recipe


Feel free to add in seeds, nuts, raisins, cinnamon, etc…. Just be sure to stir them in by hand at the end before scraping the mixture into your pan.


Store any leftovers in a airtight bag on your counter for up to 2 days. Refrigerate or Freeze as needed, but be aware that Gluten Free bread will dry out quickly once chilled.  You can cover it & warm it in a microwave to help soften it again.

Use extra bread to make Gluten Free Bread Crumbs, by drying them in the Oven or Dehydrator and then blending them in your VitaMix Blender or Food Processor.


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Here’s a better look at the proofing & baking process.

Gluten Free Bread Mix in Loaf PanShape Dough in Pan using wet hands if needed.
Dough will retain most of the imperfections.

Gluten Free Bread ProofingLeave Dough on Stove Top to Proof while Oven is pre-heating.
See how it’s starting to rise?

Gluten Free Bread Dough Ready for OvenDough has been proofing for about 20-25 minutes and is ready for the oven!

Gluten Free Bread Starting to Rise in Oven
After 5 minutes in the oven.

Gluten Free Bread Rising in Oven
After 15 Minutes in the Oven.

Gluten Free Bread Rising & Browning
After 20 Minutes in the Oven.
Notice how the original markings have stayed?

Gluten Free Bread Risen & Browning
After 25 Minutes in the Oven.

Tent with Foil if Necessary
If you think the crust is browning too quickly, you can tent it with foil.
I never have to do this, but your oven or pan may cook differently then mine.

Done when internal temp is 200 - 200 degrees
Bread is done when internal temp reaches 200 – 220 degrees.
I always keep mine in for 1-2 minutes extra after it reaches 210 to ensure the inside isn’t too sticky…
I believe this also helps it retain it’s shape so it doesn’t deflate.

Gluten Free Bread - Done!
All Done… Enjoy!

Gluten Free Pizza Crust
I often use the same recipe to make our gluten free pizza in a 9×13 pan.
If you don’t do dairy, try Dairy Free Daiya Cheese – Mozzarella Style – It tastes good & really stretches! My kids with allergies LOVE it!

This content was originally published here.